Thursday, September 2, 2010


ok. this is for the mom's looking to have some new approaches to positive motivation. I borrowed the main idea from a teacher in NC. The kids are all little frogs on the land. Should they follow all the class rules and stay on the land during school time, they will receive 2 blessings. This can be sweet treats, but for us they get to go to PBS kids and pick their very own video or game to play. If they break a school rule, they move to the first of 3 lilly pads, taking them down to only 1 blessing. They get these 3 total pads before they fall in the water. We try to talk the problem area out and remind right behavior and sometimes pray in hopes to help keep that blessing. It can make all the difference to know I am routing for them. Once they are in the water, each offense is noted and is a chore they must do for mom after quiet time and before supper. Big plus is if you stay on the land all week, you get to pick out a toy from the dollar store. My boys really want the random fake body parts, fingers, feet, teeth. Not to forget the fake ketchup spill and whoopee cushion. I have a friend that hands out marbles for good behavior or enduring a tough work assignment, then they tally the marbles up for a reward later. I enjoy that too so I'm gonna try to work tat in my little pond! Maybe the frogs get a fly (jelly bean) for trying hard and sticking with it! Basically good characer traits we can teach and when I see them try I can reinforce it. My kids love this system so much I used it at the grocery store the other day too! I hope this helps any moms out there. I already know most of you are great at this, but I was missing some balance here! would love to hear any other suggestions. Firmly believe in growing from good to better and hopefully best!

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