Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy toddlers make happy moms

I have just watched a video by Dr. Karp. Called the happiest toddler on the block. Putting the crazy stuff aside, this toddler technique is incredible and one part was so convicting. I checked it out at the library. Everything is good but the part where he says to meet them where they are at in the "emotional jungle" Even if it means you throw a fit on the floor with them. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm not so much. But connecting with them showing you understand they are sad, mad or scared, is the goal. Every time I have used his method of communicating with Ethan; when he shouts or gets upset with the other kids, I intervene and he's calm even if he doesn't get what he wants. He just wants to know he's been heard. Thus the confidence we want all our children to have. He talked about not using distractions to calm your child. Like when they are crying and you say "look at that! you want this? Have a cookie! " Or even try to make them laugh. He says "that will ultimately tell your child I don't really care about your problem or feelings. And doesn't install a healthy way to deal with emotions." OUCH! He does have wisdom. Proverbs says

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength ~Prov.17:22

Singing cheerful songs to a person whose heart is heavy is as bad as stealing some one's jacket in cold weather or rubbing salt in a wound. ~Proverbs 25:20

A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit.
~Proverbs 15:13

Laughter can conceal a heavy heart; when the laughter ends, the grief remains.
~Proverbs 14:13

Basically it's not nice to try to change their hearts or moods before you share understanding and concern for their troubles.

There is nothing wrong with trying to give them a different option or cheer them up after you calm them down, but every human needs to know they are really understood and cared about. That's where the true trust and friendship begins. Even with Christ. Knowing He listens even when I'm irrational, completely wrong, or selfish, He's there. To comfort, listen, and correct, redirect, and change my outlook and I can see my own countenance lifted out of despair. He gives three basic steps to communicate with the toddlers, but you will want to watch it, not read it on my email.

Happiest Toddler on the Block

Friday, October 10, 2008

And a child shall lead them

I was having a pretty intense day. You know when you really never stop praying. I was wiping off the table praying to the Lord for comfort, peace, and His truth to speak to me. Then walks in our daughter. Without hesitation she says, "Mom, did you know that God is in this room? right now?" And onward smiling..."Do you believe He's here?" "He is!" I could have fell over. Who knew her words could be so timely and so encouraging. You never know who might be going through what. And our words can bring healing, light, and a tender truth. I would pose the same question to all reading. Do you know God is right there with you? Do you believe? Fear not, fret not, The "I am" is there. He cares for you and He will carry you.

Our love to you all

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