Tuesday, September 29, 2009

School's In!

1st practice:

He felt led to help the coaches talk to the parents. We all got a chuckle with how comfortable he was taking over things.

Somehow Classical music and this dress inspired her heels and as he put it "I need something handsome for me"
Baking together

Making Slime

Having a closer look at an ant bed.

Nature walk challenges in our neighbor hood: To just look and discover things they were interested in.

This was my favorite part, He would walk a while and suddenly I would hear a desperate voice, "Momma! I need a hand!" He wasn't falling, just nervous about how tall the grass would get. For this to come from my most independent, this was sweet music to my ears.

we searched for any signs of Who's on this clover from a weed!?!

I looked up and had to take a picture of the beautiful Texas sky

Here is a science experiment on Sea creatures: The challenge was to see how long they could hold their hand in ice water with one rubber glove, then we added a layer of Vegetable Shortening (blubber) and timed ourselves again. The time went up from 45 seconds to about 3 minutes. But mostly lasting longer than the other brother!

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