Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So this has been quite helpful for our family lately. I read it in a devotional from by Greg Laurie

"Before you speak, THINK. Is what I'm about to say..."






Now you might say...of course! that's all common sense.

I don't lie. That's one thing I don't do......But how often have I maybe lowered the price I paid for that dress by "just the taxes" so it's not as bad when I tell my hubby.

OR... said "GOOD!' when asked "how are you today?" When the truth is "I am barely hanging on!"

But not just "true" my friend...It must be coupled with "HELPFUL" Lots of things are true, but not always helpful..."you just went over your calorie count for the day!"

I can count....thank you.

Then my biggest struggle...Inspiring. It's one thing to correct my children's behavior or share a struggle I see in my spouse. But it's key to inspire then to go beyond what is the now. To what God wants to be. The difference between dictating people and developing strength and character. One way just insults or criticizes but the other encourages and solidifies that I am "for" them and support them.

Which brings us humbly to Necessary. Why we think it's imperative we are heard on every flaw,I don't know! Lord help us!
It's possible it depends on the person at hand. Is what I'm saying needed for them to grow? Or am I seeking to make life easier just for me? "possible."~ I'm laying down nothing definite. I can tell ou I looked up the definition: being essential, indispensable, or requisite

And Kind....kindness matters. The Word says it's His kindness that leads to repentance. A gentle answer can can turn away wrath. That it can build a safe harbor for the wounded. Nothing troubles me more than to think I might not seem like a sincere, safe place to go when everything in their world is wrong.

Oh what Grace, which covers a multitude of sin. Thank you Lord that it is Your goodness that holds me to you, not mine!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

10 Years and Counting

God has shown to be true, faithful and still willing to perform miracles! We celebrated our 10 year anniversary. We were married and with in a few short months destroyed all that was sacred in our marriage. With pride, selfishness, unforgiving, hurtful words, record of wrongs, expectations, demands, cold shoulders, and hateful thought patterns. Our marital vital signs were basically flat lined! So "what happened?" you ask. Jesus Christ. We went to marriage counseling at our church and they had a sneaky policy. They made us go through the Word of God and look at ourselves. THEN apply what it said to each other. The same power that raised Lazarus from the dead, was doing the same thing 2000 years later. I used to pride myself in how much I "loved" my husband. which somehow led to a dead marriage. But when I read God's definition of love, not proud, doesn't hold a record of wrong, seeks not it's own, patient and kind, covers a multitude of sin, hopes all things, endures all things, never fails. I was broken. His kindness compared to mine, it did lead to repentance. I no longer wanted to fix a marriage, I wanted to know Jesus outside a "Sunday school class". I wanted new life. We have learned God's love is perfect... when we are not. It won't fail... when we do. For this is real love, not that we loved God first but while we yet sinners he sent His son to die for us and take away our sins. We can love each other first because God has shown us to offer forgiveness for wrongs, and grace for the moment, until the next moment. One of my favorite songs from Sonic Flood proclaims:
What can I say?What can I do?
What can I bring to offer You?
There is no gold
No precious pearl
Nothing on earth that compares to You

Lord here I stand with empty hands
I will exalt the one who lifted me
Out of the miry clay to heights of eagles wings
Words cannot express
All I know is this
You've changed me
You've changed me!

I can remember how I used to be
I was so bound but now I'm free
I will exalt the one who lifted me

I've never known a father like You
A love that is strong
Gentle and true
You draw me close
Just like a child
Safe in Your arms
There is no doubt
This is my place
This is my way!

So here we are made new, and walking it out. Day to day. Experiencing the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. To die to ourselves for the benefit of others. And doing so by the power of the Holy Spirit. There is no way to love that way out side of God's grace and power. There just isn't. I never cared about anyone other than myself until I was reborn. If you don't have this kind of love in your heart like I thought I did but really didn't. All you have to do is ask for Jesus to be your Lord and Savior with His forgiveness. It will be given. God has no favorites and make no mistake, you were on His heart on that cross. If you have never felt this kind of love by anyone. Know that God does. He showed how much He loved you in His Son. You are loved with a perfect love, it never fails, and it's just waiting to cover every sin. And you too will be changed!

And by this the world will know you are my disciples, when you love one another.
~Jesus, Son of God and Savior offered to all
Grace (undeserved gift) and peace (a state of mutual harmony) to you!

Happy Birthday Super-Jones!

We had a great time at the birthday party. 3 is the perfect age to watch open presents. There were screams, ripping and jumping. He still goes through all his cards and reads them over and over. Papa Smith came to visit Monday, and was shown ever birthday card! Thank you everyone for coming and sending gifts. The next morning we woke up to Super -Jones. (he put Super man and Indiana Jones together).

Ya, that's our son polishing off the cake with the knife.

you like that?

That's my Super-Jones!

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