Friday, July 31, 2009

Where Does The Time Go?

We are having a great summer break. We are usually in the water somewhere. The last two days we had sprinkles of rain making me even more excited for Fall. It's my absolute favorite time of the year. AND the kids are going to all be playing sports. The little ones chose soccer, the older two: flag-football! I don't know how all the moms do it, but now at least I know why. I don't know who is more exited, me or them. Promise to keep you all posted. But for those out there just looking to see how big they're getting, here's a fresh look at the world around me.

Note-worthy talent....can you balance a chip on your nose? And when is the last time you shook your head so fast you couldn't see straight? Good for the soul. The brains, not so much. But they bring me joy. Love to you all!

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